2019년 10월 26일 토요일

IW 0.4.1F Walkthrough

Chapter 4
the following chapter has a fluid structure to it. You need to solve three major problems to advance the story:
Get addresses of all four prefects.
Solve their respective problems.
Receive the support from them as prefects.

Wizard’s Health
Markus will find himself in the office now, with shit to do. If he feels inclined he should browse the magazine content to find himself an introduction to the stats system.  Here you will also see that you have Path abilities now in your journal.  The first 2 are passive abilities which are unlocked by progress. 
Apologize to Professor Minerva McGonogall

Getting around the castle
You may find that to garner more details, you need better access to the school. But when you try to exit the office via the door, you meet your old friend - Nola Kori. After several attempts you realize that it’s not possible to get past her just yet. So you’ll have to come with another way of leaving the office. Try asking one of your colleagues.
Prefect’s Addresses
Marcus is baffled by the fact that he has no way to communicate or summon prefects. They won’t respond to official letters to their houses, and no one is giving him their personal addresses. The only clue he has - the papers left by the girls in their previous visits.
Even more exposition you now have to go through, you need to read each paper at least once.
Due to the bullshit content of the papers, Marcus runs into the problem of understanding them. He may want to ask someone for help, but who can he talk to?
In order to get Snape’s help, you need to remove the mark “Official” from the letter, you can do so by clicking on it in the right upper corner of the letter. You must then offer alcohol before trying to address the issues of prefects.
When you acquire the appropriate assistance you will have items which you must use.
How to use those items:
Photo - apply to the table, after closing the curtains.
Pills - use on the door to the bedroom after 22:00.
Nuts - give them to the Phoenix.
Powder - use on the lit fireplace.
Using photograph on the table, get Marcus caught masturbating by Helena Ravenclaw. She will set a number of task for him.
You will need to summon Helena again without “Official” seal and ask her for a photo.
Then you will have to agree to “use” that photo.
After that is done, Helena will tell you to return this photo to Daphne. You need to agree.

Trying to get some shut eye. while reading Luna’s papers will lead you into her dreams. Luna will promise to come in and bring more of her papers with her.

Falling asleep behind Susan’s papers will be interrupted by her Aunt. She will ask a certain favour from Marcus, give him a hint, and make sure that Susan will visit him some time soon.

Trying playing with Phoenix will result in tragedy. Hermione will come to your rescue.
You will need to apologise to her while she is in your office.

Girls will visit you after their lessons (from 15 until 17) without summoning.
You need to stretch the dialogue with them as  long as possible.
If you fail to get an address - repeat the procedure with the item, to get another shot at it.

Prefects’ Meeting
After receiving their addresses, Marcus can now summon the prefects. However, they won’t help him, since they have their own problems which they are working on in a so-called “Perfects’ Meeting”.
Here you will come across your second unlock of a passive ability, it requires no points.  But you will want to. Talk to Minerva about the meetings.
To complete this stage, you need every prefect to agree to help you.
Summon any prefect and talk about getting the support of her house.
Once you figure out that none of the girls want to help you, Marcus will decide to talk with his portrait. They will come up with three possible solutions to the predicament.
Click on the portrait and in one of the categories choose the location of meetings.

Marcus needs to find out where meetings take place, and infiltrate one of such meetings. He has three ways to do so: get someone’s help, act from the shadows or earn trust.
Getting someone’s help, requires you to talk with Amelia Bones and discuss the meetings with her. Following day, you need to talk with her again and get the required information.
Acting from the shadows, send your portrait to spy on girls between 20 and 22, then you will need to check the information you get from him with one of the girls.
To earn trust, you need to complete papers’ route with one of the girls and the repaired broom for 50 coins. You have to fly out between 22 and 23 in the direction to the house of the girl you want to earn trust with.

Once you find out about the location of the meetings, Marcus will need to find a way to learn what girls discuss during these meetings.
Click on a portrait and talk about the topics of the meetings.

Once again, you have three ways to find out what’s going on
You can summon Helena, talk with her about meetings and talk with her again the following day.
For shadow route, talk with the Hat and ask him to talk with elves, check with the Hat the following day. And check the information you got with one of the girls next day, but it has to be a different girl from the one you talked before.
You need a new broom. You will have to continue with the same girl you choose in the last stage. You need to fly toward the North Wing (tower next to the office) between 22 and 23 hours.

Marcus finds out that girls have problems with swimsuits. But he needs more information. Once again, three routes you can follow 
(there’s only one route, steal the swimsuits from the girls on their days.) Use the notes in the journal if you cannot remember whose day is what.  There is also a video of this on the IW Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/TeamSadCrab
Swimsuits Part 1 and 2.
Support route, burn Phoenix, and steal Hermione’s swimsuit with magic (on a day of uniform swimsuit) while she is busy resurrecting the Phoenix.
Shadow route, ask Minerva to join in on one of the meetings (on a day of uniform swimsuit). Again, you need to confirm the info with one of the girls.
Earning trust, summon the girl you going for and choose the suit options in the clothes menu.

Hurray, you found out what the  problem is. Talk with the Hat to find out what to do next.
Click on the Hat and talk about your next steps.

Marcus need to complete the first step explained to him by the Hat.
Use Hermione’s swimsuit on the Hat, you can get it by stealing when visiting Gryffindor dorms with Minerva on Monday
By stealing them from her bag, when she resurrects the Phoenix.
You also need to steal the swimsuits of the other girls and give them to the Hat, so he knows their sizes.

Now you need to complete the second step. 
During the lunch break, go with Minerva to dorms of three prefects (Susan, Luna and Daphne) and steal their favourite swimsuits.
To do so, go to Daphne’s dorm on Tuesday, Luna - on Thursday and Susan - on Saturday.
After you get their swimsuits, talk with the Hat and get the relevant swimsuits for them, then put them in their dorms on Sunday.
You need to do it all in a course of one week, or you will need to start the whole process again.

After this nightmare is done, he needs to check on the results in one of the three ways.
Enter Luna’s dreams and ask her.
Find Filch, talk with him and check with the final girl.
If you chose the trust route, summon the chosen girl and talk with her.

Finding out about his failure, Marcus can discuss the problem with the hat once more.
Summon Snape without the “Official” seal and have a drink with him.

Dialogue with Snape will reveal a few things and give Marcus and idea.

Marcus needs to discuss his idea with the girls.
Summon each prefect and talk about your idea.

School Problems
Marcus by himself cannot understand what motivates the girls. He needs to talk with his portrait.
Talk with Sally on serious topics.

Sally will tell you to figure it out on your own or get help from someone who knows girls well.
You can study papers for the Hat
Get him the panties of every girl if you have completed the meetings branch.

To study papers, Marcus will need to look for a codex in Dumbledore’s office, so he can check the rules, for each girl
You need to read three pages of the Codex for each girl
Hermione - 89, 567, 1234.
Daphne - 64, 256, 1024.
Susan - 88, 555, 2222.
Luna - 27, 243, 2187.
Alternatively, if it is 10 in the morning, you can choose to go through the rulebook, that will cause you to go through the needed pages, without actually reading them.
After receiving the information from papers and codex, Marcus can ask Hat to help him. 
Talk with him about every girl, you have information on
Finding out about girls’ true motivations, Marcus now need to convince them how their current ways are wrong way to achieve what they want.
Talk with every girl about papers
Failing to convince anyone, Marcus now should talk with Snape to figure out what to do next.
Relaxing with Snape. talk with him about introducing a new position.
Snape has his doubt, you need to talk with him some more.
Explain the benefits of new position and that girls are ready to leave their current positions.
Marcus and Snape decide to create the new position.
Marcus can now talk with girls about solving their problems through the new position.
Talk with girls about the position through the dialogues about papers.
After all that has been done, you can write to the Council about new position.
Almost there
Once you tell a girl about new position and rules, you can ask for her help again.
Summon each girl and talk about getting help from her.
You may have to summon Hermione two times to talk about the new position vs the 1 time that you talk to everyone else.  Just remember, you will need to skip forward in time to have the girls auto summon about the new position and talk to Snape each time after you have talked to all of them and finally gained house support.  At which point, AGAIN you have to forward time to get a second auto summon for EACH girl.

Once chapter 4 is complete, you will see the pensieve smoking, click it to continue to the next chapter.

Chapter 5
You now arrive in Azkaban, but alas, it turns out something has been happening with the school that you were completely unaware of.  Marcus has been a puppet for the Ministry? He is confronted by Helena who explains as much and wants to find out more.

Get to Baker’s Delight with Susan
While originally a side quest, you will need to get to the Baker’s delight with Susan, to obtain a letter later on in the game, it’s simple enough to do at the start of chapter 5, prior to training stats and will be required down the road.

Getting out of the office
Marcus now has to get out of the office, if you have not already solved the Nola puzzles at this point now is the time to do so.  The easiest method is increasing intellect and doing a riddle.  Alternatively, raising any of your other stats to 4 will allow you out.

Each method you choose may affect your relationship with her in the future, but for now, not. These menu options have been updated to show you the requirements, there are multiple riddles in 0.4F.
Nola Quiz Answers:
river, shadow, promise, fire, secret

Navigating the castle
Now that you are out and about, you can roam the castle.  A few things to keep in mind:
Class times matter, and so do weekends, do not expect to see students while they are in class roaming the castle.
Do not expect to be able to enter the dorms while the students are not in class
Night times will always require the transgression potion from Snape (repeatable)
Portraits all currently have interactions, some are limited, the interactions will change as you progress through the story, look at your objective tracking.

The Diadem
Marcus now must find details on the diadem that Helena stoll from the school. Here he will find out more details about his father Tom Riddle and the location of the diadem. Why was it taken in the first place by his father? Where is it currently? Who is really behind all of this madness?

Inquiries about the diadem:
You will need to talk to Merlin, Amelia, and Helena about her to figure out what is going on with the diadem.  To find the diadem, you will need to talk to the portraits in the castle.  Merlin should be the one you interact with, he will tell you he wants to see some females… it’s been a while.

Here you need to take out the Daphne Photo and place it on the portrait. This will lead to a few quips and him taking care of his business.  After this, he will tell you to talk to Andromeda Tonks who is in the second corridor with the plant. You may need to interact with them twice, as they have an initial dialogue for entering that location.  Once you have done this, you will quickly find out that they want something… so you need to then talk to Sally. They will say that it will  take themselves a day to acquire what you need.  Upon the next morning when they arrive back, you can either talk to them again or go directly back.  Andromeda will slide her legs out of the way and now show you her fucking hole. Now you can grab the diadem.  If you try to use it on the desk, you will encounter some text telling you not to.  That ENDS the diadem route for 0.4F

The Main Girls
Markus is must now check on the commissar duties, to make sure the commissars are actually discovering IMVOIS violations. 

You will need to summon the girls initially during the week and again on the weekend, here you will become annoyed to find out, they have found nothing. You will then need to complain to Snape about the fact they are not doing their duties and ask about punishments. He will suggest that you write the council, which you will then get a menu option on the desk to do so.  Write the council, they will reply that no, you have no authority.  Upon hearing this, you will summon Snape again… who suggests alternative methods.

Here the plot will split into 2:
Light Path
Dark Path

To pick a path, summon Sally, he will ask you and you will have MULTIPLE times to get out of this.  If you continue and choose to go down this route, one of the girls will no longer be summonable.  

Light Path:
So you have refused and would rather find their diaries.  You will then need to know where the diaries are.  Talk to Minerva at night over a drink, you will agree about muggle studies.  So you then will need to check their dorms, and talk to Sally about those damn diaries.  Use your journal to keep track of what you have checked.  You will then find out that the girls used a reducio spell on their diaries, it’s highly probable they have them on their bodies.  Summon the girls and conduct a search, there’s now a menu option to check their swimsuits again… apparently someone keeps going through them.  Once you have searched and found the diaries, drag them on to the desk, where you will find out that you  need to decrypt them.  Here you will need to talk to Flitwick (he’s in the Ravenclaw dorm on the wall, you need perception level 2) if you have not yet, about legilimency.  Once this is done, you then need to summon the girls again, and complete the mechanic.

How the new legilimency works
The most prevalent image in the spin is the answer, the higher your stats the better the odds. Level 10 is 90% filled with the same image. 

This ENDS the main girls light path for 0.4F

Breaking IMVOIS

So you have completed either the light or dark path, you will now be able to break IMVOIS.  To do so, enter the office bedroom.  Here you will be presented with a puzzle once your perception is high enough.

As you can see, the drawers and doors have numbers, Marcus will tell you this…

Start at the marked door/drawer
X = Closed
O = Opened

This is what the “markings” are:


This is required for the pattern to know you have completed it in order, once complete, you will be given the elder wand.

Should the pattern start on say, door 6, you would go 6, 7, 1, 2, 3

Once you have the elder wand, drag it onto the desk, you ignore all reason and attempt to use it.  It breaks, did IMVOIS really break or not?  Marcus will not quite be certain.  More to come later about this.

This ENDS the breaking IMVOIS for 0.4F

2019년 9월 24일 화요일

CMA Walkthrough 1

PART I: Chapter 1

First Milestone: Mr. Elwell stepping in

One additional interesting thing in the Events screen is the “First Milestone” line at the top with its own collection of stars.

These mark your progress throughout multiple events and once you’ve unlocked all of them you reach the milestone (MS1).

Do note that reaching MS1 is not an objective unto itself and you absolutely don’t need to rush through events in order to get there faster.

All it represents is a point in the story where things on the yacht change (more on that later) and new opportunities (as well as challenges) are presented to you.

With that said, event points required for unlocking MS1 will be marked in the detailed event descriptions below.


Give Chloe her first bare bottom spanking during Chloe’s Corruption.

Complete Emily Tries Anal.

Win the KNEELING contest and have Rachel masturbate in front of you during Aunt Makes Mistakes.

Win the kneeling contest and spank Rachel during Aunt Makes Mistakes.

Pull out Emily’s buttplug in your bathroom during Emily’s Corruption (5th star).

Complete Chloe’s puppy training during Chloe’s Training (6th star).

Spank Linda under Rachel’s supervision during Aunt Finally Finds Out. Receive a handjob from Rachel during Rachel’s helping hand.

Receive a blowjob from Emily DURING Emily’s Help. Unlock Chloe’s Rectal temperature during Is She Sick.

Watch Rachel use the paddle on Chloe’s bare bottom during Payback (4th star).

Watch Rachel use the paddle on Emily’s bare bottom during Payback (2nd star).

Progress in Fulfilling Linda’s Request (6th star). Complete Naughty Doctor.

Peek while Emily is watching Chloe being spanked in the interior during Stealing Homework (4th star).

Once you have unlocked all the prerequisites, talk to Susan on the bridge.

A Sacrifice I’m Willing to Make 

Prerequisites: The More the Merrier

Characters: Amy, Susan

Description: Whatever her reasons, Amy is ready to above and beyond for you…

Guide: Talk to Amy when you are close to getting kicked out.

Talk to Susan and ask her for a favor. Pick Amy. Talk to Amy. Go to your room at 02:00 AM.

Asking for It

Prerequisites: Complete the First Milestone

Characters: Susan

Description: If you enjoy being dominated, Susan is the right woman for the job.

Guide: ➢ Talk to Susan and ask her if she can come to your room tonight.
➢ She will request a prop. Order it by calling your uncle’s assistant from Linda’s office.
➢ Once it’s delivered (to your room) talk to Susan again and ask her to come to your room. Pick the hour.

Be in your room at the hour you selected.

Aunt Finally Finds Out 

Prerequisites: Linda’s Exhibition Level 1, You must have spanked Chloe at least twice and she must have pretended to be sick at least four times.

Characters: Linda, Rachel

Description: Chloe has been abusing your tip about how to avoid chores and Linda is in trouble.

Guide: ➢ Once the prerequisite conditions above are met, Rachel will announce during breakfast that she knows Chloe has been faking being sick to avoid her chores.

Go to the Linda’s office AND Walk in on Rachel giving her a severe scolding.

➢ Talk to a panicked Linda and promise to help her keep her job.

Talk to Rachel “About Linda’s Job” in the interior at 20:00 when Susan is also present.

Talk to Linda to receive your reward for saving her job.

Go to Linda’s office at 21:00 to find out that Rachel has caught her masturbating and needs to be punished.

Catch Linda masturbating again in her office at 21:00 and spank her.

After a spanking Linda needs some TLC for her sore ass. If Rachel catches you there will be consequences

Aunt Makes Mistakes 

Prerequisites: n/a

Characters: Rachel, Susan

Description: This is the first QUEST of Rachel’s main story arc.

By the time you have completed it, you will know a lot more about your aunt, the enigmatic captain Susan and their relationship.

Guide: ➢ After you have stolen Chloe’s homework (See Stealing HOMEWORK for details) for the first time, talk to Susan.

She will accuse you, but ultimately drop the matter for the moment.

➢ Talk to Susan again after the second time you’ve stolen Chloe’s homework. A new conversation option will become available - *Thief?* - use it.

➢ Search Linda’s office at 16:00 to find the sleeping pills.

➢ Talk to Susan on the bridge and ask her for help (she will refuse). Catch Linda masturbating in her office at 21:00 and choose to blackmail her (the [Quest] option).

Enjoy the scene during dinner the next day. At 23:00 on the day of Linda’s dinner show enter Rachel’s room.

Take a “Quick peek” AND “Make SURE”. Should unlock with the previous star if you follow the instructions.

➢ Talk to Susan on the Bridge and tell her that “It’s done”.

➢ During dinner Rachel will announce that she’ll be spending an hour Susan and doesn’t want to be disturbed.

➢ Go to the corridor immediately after dinner and you will hear strange noises coming from Rachel’s room.

➢ Talk to Chloe about the noise.

➢ Talk to Emily about the noise.

➢ Talk to Linda about the noise.

➢ Search the bridge TWICE when Susan is not there and find the Navigation Manual and the flashlight.

➢ Wait a few days until you have the option to ask Susan “if she needs your skills”.

➢ Go to the pool at midnight and spike Rachel’s drink with sleeping pills.

Enter Rachel’s room at 01:00 AM or 02:00 AM on the same night.

Take a Quick peek, make sure and use the flashlight.

➢ Talk to Susan on the bridge the next day and inform her that “It’s Done”.

NOTE: The four steps marked in green above are the setup for the repeatable event.

They will be skipped from this guide from now on but are required every time you want to spend time with Rachel & Susan at 20:00 in Rachel’s Room.

As soon as dinner is over that day, go to the corridor. Peek on Rachel & Susan when they are together in Rachel’s room after dinner.

Same as previous star, you get caught. Unlocks the first time you enter the room when they are together.

Try Cunnilingus Contest, kneeling contest and spanking at least once each. Participate in a Cunnilingus contest.

Win a Cunnilingus contest. Participate in a kneeling contest.

Win a kneeling contest and have Rachel masturbate in front of you.

Win a kneeling contest and spank Rachel. Lose the cunnilingus contest.

Take a spanking.

NOTE: The following three stars require completion of MS1!

Progress in Not so safe anymore (4th Star) and choose to spank Rachel in her schoolgirl uniform.

Talk to Rachel in the interior at 16:00 and ask her if something is wrong.

Go to her room at 06:00 AM.

Unlocks with the previous star.

2019년 5월 4일 토요일

아노 1800 건물 레이아웃

시작시 섬 시드 베스트

전기 공급시 200% 효율 발생.

고테크 배치에 아주 좋다.

빈땅은 매력도를 올려도된다.

최종 테크.

땅이 넓어야하는데...

위쪽보다 약간 작은 사이즈. 가장 이상적이다.

길 248(최소) * 185(정확)

2테크 일꾼까지 사용가능한 마을 자투리 섬에 건설.

3테크 일꾼까지 가능. 큰 섬에 적용하자.

신대륙의 섬이 크면 둘다 건설.

아니면 왼쪽꺼 건설해서 일꾼 조정해서 사용하자.

북극 건설

불나는걸 대비한 가장 이상적인 배치

위치는 조정하자(위쪽은 한칸 붙이고 아래쪽은 조정하고)

무역협회가 있는 이상적인 배치(위로도 조정하자 하나 영역을 더 건설하기 위해서)

이상적인 조건(일부 칸 조정하자, 소방소 필요)

중반까지 좋으나 사일로(곡물 소비하여 생산 추가)가 없어서 조금 미흡

이상적이나 아래 소방소는 빼고 위쪽 자리 조정필수다.

최종 테크시 통조림 공장은 전기가 필요하니 수정하자

전구 공장 참고만하자 전기 연결시 조정 필요

이상적인 배치

이상적인 배치

이상적인 배치

이상적인 배치

농장 4대 공장 1

소고기 사일로로 인해 옥수수 1~2개 건설 및 가운데 또띠아는 2개 건설